There is increasing number of Croatian cities and municipalities that actively implement motto „Smart production for smart consumption“. In addition to meeting environmental requirements, intelligent infrastructure management bears significant savings to already insufficient budgets of municipalities and smaller cities. Pleternica is one of the pioneer cities entering projects of energy production from renewable sources and use of energy saving technologies in street lighting. The infrastructure is being developed systematically, with financial support of Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency.
In August 2015 the city of Pleternica introduced new G-SolarLED lights in public lighting system. The lamps GSL240 of 28W, 98W and 112W were installed on one section of state roadway D525 and related footpath. This is only the first part of the modernization of public lighting system, which is primarily concerned with road lighting to achieve greater traffic safety, as well as general safety of citizens. Installing LED lights on the new 2km promenade will also have impact on the visual element of spatial planning. Daily visible and accessible, energy efficient public lighting encourages awareness of people about the need and benefits of efficient use of energy. Finally, setting the LED lights on the entire public area, supported by solar park installation, will reduce public lighting costs up to 65%. This enables reallocation of the city budget to other projects important for the local community.